13-03-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Spiritual Awakening by Being Served in Two Ways
Today, BapDada is seeing the gathering of all of you who have positive thoughts of others. To be a wellwisher means to maintain positive thoughts and good wishes constantly about the self and others. Do all of you constantly have good wishes and positive thoughts and constantly maintain the intoxication of having received all attainments, all treasures and all powers from the Father? As well as this, do you also remain an embodiment of the awareness of your goal of becoming a perfect angel and a perfect deity? To the extent that you maintain this intoxication, your goal will remain clear to you. It will become clearer to you as you come closer to it. Just as you can see the aim of your effort very clearly, so too, you should also be able to experience your perfect angelic form just as clearly. You should not even have a thought whether you will become this or not. If you wonder whether you will become this or whether you should definitely become this, it proves that your angelic form is not that close or clear to you. Your Brahma Kumar or Kumari form is clear to you and you would say with complete faith in your intellect that you are a Brahma Kumar or Kumari. You would not say that you should be a Brahma Kumar or Kumari. These words will not emerge. You would say that you are that. There would be no question whether you are that or not. No matter how much someone cross examines you and says that you are not a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, that only those from Bharat can be Brahma Kumars or Kumaris, that only the big maharathis are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, that you are foreign Christians and that Brahma came from Bharat, and so you can’t be a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, no matter how much they say you are mistaken in claiming to be a Brahma Kumar or Kumari instead of a Christian Kumar or Kumari, would you accept that? You would not accept that, would you? Because you have complete faith in your intellect you would reply that you are not only a Brahma Kumar or Kumari at this time, but have been and will be for many cycles. You would speak with such faith, would you not? Or would you begin to wonder about it? What would you do? Would you wonder about it or would you say with faith that you are this? You have the strong faith of being a Brahma Kumar or Kumari because it is very clear to you and you have experienced it. In the same way, do you also experience your perfect angelic form just as clearly, that today you are an effortmaker and tomorrow you will be an angel? Your faith in this should be so strong that no one can shake it. Does your intellect have such complete faith? Is the picture of your angelic form clearly in front of you? Do you experience the awareness, attitude, vision, behaviour and service of an angel? All of you experience service through your form of a Brahma Kumar or Kumari according to your capacity. You have been seeing the result of this service from the beginning and you will see it until the end. There was a need to serve through that form and it was fulfilled. This is continuing and it will continue in the future as well.
As you progress further, according to what souls need, you will have to serve them in two ways. One will be as Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, which you will do through your corporeal form. The second way will be through your subtle angelic form. You saw both forms of service being performed by Brahma Baba. You saw him serve through his corporeal form and also through his subtle form. Service performed through the subtle form is much faster than service through the corporeal form. You know this, but have you also experienced it? Now that father Brahma has taken his subtle form, his angelic form, he is pulling you children to your subtle angelic stage. You know how to follow this father, do you not? You are not thinking that you should also leave your body and become subtle, are you? That is not the way you follow. Brahma Baba became an angel so that when you see the example of his subtle form you can follow him easily. Even though he is no longer in the corporeal form, he gives visions through his angelic form of his corporeal form. You foreigners especially experience this. You experience physical Brahma Baba in Madhuban, do you not? You go into Baba’s room and have a hearttoheart conversation with him. Is it just that picture you see or do you also see him in the living form? It is because you experience him in this way that you say from your heart “Brahma Baba”. Is he Brahma Baba for all you children? Or is he only Brahma Baba for the children who came in the beginning? Are you speaking from experience or just on the basis of knowledge? Have you experienced him? It is as though subtle father Brahma is giving you sustenance in his corporeal form. He is giving you the experience of receiving sustenance from the corporeal form. In the same way, everyone should experience your subtle angelic form from your corporeal form. Everyone should experience that in you and wonder who you angels are and where you have come from! Now, just as the sound is spreading everywhere about you people in your white clothes and where you have come from so, too, people everywhere should now be having visions of your angelic form. This is what is meant by the double form of service. To be those dressed in white and in a white light. When you appear, people’s eyes should open even against their conscious wish. When you are in the dark and a bright light suddenly appears in front of you your eyes blink open and you wonder what has happened. In the same way people should wonder who you are and where you have come from. So now create such a unique upheaval. Just as clouds go everywhere, in the same way go everywhere and reveal yourselves in your angelic form. This is called the spiritual awakening. All of you, whether you have come from this land or abroad, have been serving as Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You have performed the task of awakening everyone with a loud sound. You have hoisted the flag of the gathering. Now you will make this new plan, will you not? Wherever people see you, they should only see you as angels. Whether they see you in London or in India, wherever they see you, they should only see angels. What preparations do you have to make for this? You created a programme for 10 strands (points). How many strands do you need for this? That was a programme for 10 strands, but this is a task is for becoming 16 celestial degrees. You should discuss this amongst yourselves and Baba will advise you more later. Baba has given you the plan and you have to make the programme. Baba has given you the main theme. You now have to make the detailed programme.
To those who constantly maintain positive thoughts, to those who have good wishes, to the double servers who serve in two ways, to those who follow Father Brahma, to those who reveal the incorporeal Father, to the souls who are constantly full of all attainments the same as the Father. BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Personal meeting with teachers:
Teachers are souls who are always overflowing. According to the drama, you have become instruments. You are working very well and will continue to do so in the future. Your results are good. They will be even better. Because time is getting short, service will grow very quickly. It is at the confluence age that you have to create the royal family and the subjects who will come until the end of the silver age as well as the religious souls who come until the end of the iron age. All foreign lands will become picnic places, but Brahmin souls who are to become part of the royal families will not rule in those places but here in Bharat. All of you are serving very well. However, you should now make a special plan of doing very powerful service through your mind. Together with serving through words, also serve through your mind because that service can reach much further. Just as people see flying saucers nowadays, in the same way the angelic form of all of you will be seen everywhere. The sound will spread as to who you people are who are touring around everywhere. They will investigate this. People will have a vision of all of you coming down from up above and they will realise that it is you Brahma Kumaris who are giving them visions of your angelic form. Now spread this wave. Practise touring around with your subtle form. A time will come when you will not be able to catch a plane. At such a delicate time you will be able to reach there in advance. The practise of travelling through your subtle body is very essential. Practise this in such a way that it is as though you go there and meet everyone in a physical way. They should also experience you angels coming to meet them. Then they will go to search for you angels. What will happen when so many angels go on a tour? Everyone’s attention will automatically be drawn to you. So now, as well as doing physical service, you must also do this subtle service. Achcha. Now, at amrit vela, detach yourself from your body and go on a tour.
Question: What is the greatest service which only you spiritual servers can do?
Answer: To remove sorrow from others and give them happiness is the greatest service you can do. You are the children of the Ocean of Peace and so continue to remove the sorrow from whomsoever you meet and give them happiness. To remove someone’s sorrow and to give that soul happiness is the greatest act of charity. It is by performing such charitable acts that you become charitable souls.
Blessing: May you become bodiless and remain free from the consciousness of doing anything by remaining a detached observer and making your physical organs do the work.
Enter your body when you want and become bodiless when you want. When you have to do anything, take the support of your body, but do not forget that it is you, the soul, that is taking the support of your body. You are not the one who is doing anything but the one who is making your organs do it. When you ask someone to do something you consider yourself to be separate from that soul. Similarly, be a detached observer and make your physical organs perform that action and you will become bodiless and free from the consciousness of doing anything. By practising becoming bodiless even for one or two minutes between each task you will receive a lot of help for the final moments.
Slogan: In order to become a king of the world, become one who gives sakaash to the world.
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